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Plus 3 recipients.

The key successes of our Plus 3 programme: Approximately 90% of recipients whose funding started between 2010 and 2023, have obtained professorships or tenured group leader positions, around 40 % of all recipients come from abroad. Despite the fact that women represent only about 30 % of the applicants, they comprise almost 40 % of Plus 3 recipients. In this way, the Plus 3 programme serves as a springboard during one of the most decisive career phases of young scientists.

Who has successfully applied for the Plus 3 programme?

Listed below are grantees with the institutions at which they were conducting research upon submitting their applications.


  • Mafalda Escobar-Henriques – University of Cologne
    "Surveillance mechanisms of cellular homeostasis and stress resistance by a novel form of ubiquitin
  • Philipp Heretsch – Freie Universität Berlin
    "Technology-driven natural product synthesis"Eteri Svanidze – Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden
    "Design of new superconducting materials"
  • Chuanjie Loh – Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund
    "Harnessing halogen bonding and pi-interactions to advance carbohydrate chemistry"
  • Mirko Völkers – University Hospital Heidelberg
    "Gene expression control by RNA-binding proteins during myocardial remodelling"


  • Andrey Antonchick – Technical University Dortmund
    "Direct oxidative coupling for sustainable chemistry"
  • Benedikt Beckmann – Humboldt University Berlin
    "Cross-species RNA-protein complexes in infection"
  • Christian Behrends – Goethe University Frankfurt
    "Molecular dissection of the crosstalk between autophagy and secretion"
  • Anne-Kathrin Classen – University of Freiburg
    "Spatial patterning of stress responses in tissue damage, chronic wounds, and cancer"
  • Katrin Domke – Max Planck Institute of Polymer Research, Mainz
    "Unravelling the redox behaviour of individual azurin metalloproteins with EC-TERS"
  • Stephanie Kath-Schorr – University of Bonn
    "Chemical tools for studying functional RNAs"
  • Christian Merten – University of Bochum
    "Stereochemical communication as probe for halogen bonding interactions"
  • Naoko Mizuno – Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried
    "Structural studies on protein assemblies by cryo-EM: integrin-based focal adhesion"
  • Elsa Sanchez Garcia – Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr
    "Computational design of molecules with therapeutic potential"
  • André Scheffel – Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam
    "Molecular mechanisms of biomineralization in coccolithophores"
  • Amar Sharma – Hannover Medical School
    "Harnessing the potential of direct hepatic reprogramming for treatment of liver diseases"
  • Julia von Blume – Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried
    "Cargo sorting during protein secretion"


  • Christian Hackenberger – Freie Universität Berlin
    "Chemo-selektive Staudinger-Reaktionen für die Modifizierung von Peptiden und Proteinen"
  • Laura Hartmann – Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam
    "Ein neuer Baukasten für biofunktionale Makromoleküle und ihre Anwendungen in der Biomedizin"
  • Marco Idzko – University Medical Center Freiburg
    "Purinergic receptor-signalling as new therapeutic targets in asthma and COPD?"
  • Peter Kovacs – Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF), University of Leipzig
    "Funktionelle Genetik der Fettverteilung"
  • Alexis Maizel – University of Heidelberg
    "Elucidating the cellular basis of morphogenetic plasticity in plants"
  • Andriy Mokhir – University of Heidelberg
    "A photochemical autocatalytic reaction for amplified detection of ribonucleic acids in live cells"
  • Christine Radtke – Hannover Medical School
    "Intravenous transplantation of adipose-derived stromal cells to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration"
  • Krishnaraj Rajalingam – University of Frankfurt
    "Role of IAP-IAP complexes (IAPosomes)"
  • Daniel Schubert – University of Düsseldorf
    "Identification of the mechanisms and factors mediating the epigenetic control of cell fate in plants"