Rise up! recipients
The Rise up! programme has been supporting newly appointed W2 professors at German universities, giving them the financial leeway to advance particularly creative and daring research programmes.
The first selection rounds have shown what a great response the new funding programme is receiving from the scientific community and what potential the selected scientists and their proposed research programmes have.
Who has successfully applied for the Rise up! programme?
Listed below are grantees with the institutions at which they were conducting research upon submitting their applications.
- Joseph Benesh – Freie Universität Berlin
"Conformational kinetics and thermodynamics of ATP-binding cassette transporters and in-cell observation of outer membrane protein folding in Gram-negative bacteria“ - Christoph Ernst – University of Cologne
"Sterol-associated cell autonomous immunity“ - Florian Fröhlich – University of Osnabrück
"Structural and functional characterization of ceramide synthase complexes“ - Frederik Graw – Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
"RETENTION - Revealing T cell turnover and trafficking dynamics by single cellbased mathematical modelling“ - Anne Schütz – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
"Charting allosteric inhibition in the p97 enzyme by an NMR-data driven approach“ - Suayb Üstün – Ruhr University Bochum
"Manipulation of protein translation as a virulence strategy of pathogenic bacteria“ - Marcel Wiermer – Freie Universität Berlin
"Transport-independent nuclear pore complex functions in plant defense gene regulation“
- Lena Burbulla – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
"Of mice and men: Decoding species-specific differences of dopamine neuron vulnerability to target neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease“ - Anne-Kathrin Classen – University of Freiburg
"Metabolic adaptation to rapid proliferation in tissue repair and regeneration“ - Carla Schmidt – Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
"Establishing a protein-lipid cross-linking workflow for studying protein-lipid interactions in natural membranes“ - Florian Schmidt – University Hospital Bonn
"Molecular mechanisms of antiviral NLRP1 responses“ - Christoph Stein-Thöringer, University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Tübingen
"Oncomicrobiomics in colorectal cancer“